Recent News

Septembre 2024

April 2024

August 2023

 November 2022

October 2022

  • I am happy to announce that I will act as head of research in the Research Chair “Finance and environnemental challenges” created by Maxime Merli as a result of the partnership between CIC Marchés and the University of Strasbourg.

June 2022

May 2022

February 2022

December 2021

November 2021

October 2021

  • The article entitled “What drives retail portfolio exposure to ESG factors?” (co-written with Catherine d’Hondt and Maxime Merli) is now Forthcoming in Finance Research Letters.
  • Catherine D’Hondt (UCLouvain), Maxime Merli (EM Strasbourg Business School, University of Strasbourg) and I just got a 20,000€ research funding from the Observatoire de l’Epargne Européenne (OEE). Following its 2021 call for projects on Socially Responsible Investments, the OEE has decided to grant funding for the research project on “Retail investors and ESG investing: demand drivers, trading behavior and investors’ profile”.

September 2021

 September 2021

  • I am now an Associate Professor at ICN Business School.

October 2019

  • My HDR (Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches) will take place at Université Paris-Dauphine on October 4th, 2019.

September 2019

  • The article entitled “A re-examination of analysts’ differential target price forecasting ability” is now Forthcoming in Finance.

October 2018

  • Invité de l’émission ENTENDEZ-VOUS l’ECO? sur France Culture le mardi 9 octobre. L’émission est à ré-écouter sur: 

June 2018

  •  The AFSEE (Association Française d’Economie Expérimentale) attributes its 2017 Award to Tristan Roger for the paper entitled Another law of small numbers: Patterns of trading prices in experimental markets (with W. Bousselmi, P. Roger and M. Willinger)

May 2018

January 2018

December 2017

Previous news

  • The first volume of Finance Bulletin is now available!
  • The paper entitled “Behavioral bias in number processing: Evidence from analysts’ expectations” has received the Strasbourg Place Financière 2016 Best Paper Award
  • The paper entitled “Reporting errors in the I/B/E/S earnings forecast database: J. Doe vs. J. Doe” is published in Finance Research Letters 20
  • Finalist of the 2015 Hillcrest Behavioral Finance Award [Complete Press Release]
  • The paper entitled “When behavioral portfolio theory meets Markowitz theory” is published in Economic Modelling 53